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Book Review Dr.Dietrich Fischer, Preventing War in the Nuclear Age (Rowman & Allanheld)
"Preventing war in the nuclear age",by Pr.Dr.Dietrich Fischer,is perhaps the most important book ever written about nuclear war. It has been writen carefully, exploring all ways and all findings about nuclear weapons and their negative impacts on human beings and the rest of bio-diversity. The author didn't stop only only with exploring the negative and enormous impacts of nuclear threats, but also went far enough to show different ways out for that danger which faces all humakind, like approaches for the prevention of war, transarmament, dynamics of arms races, etc... The book comes at the appropriate time, when the entire wolrd is facing the theat of nuclear weapons. According to the experts in nuclear matters, nuclear weapons can have major impacts especially in case of massive explosions leading to the global danger of mass death of all biodiversity. The book also gives an inspiration on what to do in ongoing talks and situations between existing nations with nuclear weapons, and new ones.
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