Don't forget to check reviews and books every day.
We specialize in rare book reviews and avoid the publication of promotional book reviews. To have your book reviewed, mail a copy to us (see contact page).
Blaschak, Lois (Jenny Wren)
Bagale, Shiba
Cook, Bruce
Cook, David C., III
Cook, Una Howell
Crequie, Guy
DeVinney, Lisa
Evidence, Amobi
Ezeribe, , Ugochukwu Victor
Hartwell, K. B.
Herrera, Alfredo G.
Hussain, S.M. Zakir
Jenkins, Deloris
K'Orinda Yimbo, Akinda Princess of
Kinyua, Evans
Kisiki, Bob G.
Kwa, Dipita
Loguca, Oryem Onguti
McBride, Greg
Mpina, William Khalipwina
Mulholland, K. S.
Obi, Kenechukwu
Oryem, John
Pokharel, Babin
Pisacane, Julie
Rasheed, Winona
Rutagengwa, Claude Shema
Semashko, Leo
Sherafamand, Lida
Sistrunk, Jackie T.
Tamboso, Cindy
Von K'Ory, A P
Wielgus, Artur
Wren, Jenny (Lois Blaschak)
A Thorn in Her Life, by Olatunbosun Adetula
Print: $24.50
OLATUNBOSUN ADETULA - It was a day she prayed never to remember again, but it kept haunting her like a scary ghost. It became heightened whenever she saw Bath pictures. She could still remember the day vividly like the back of her hand…
Author Africa Series from - Short stories from emerging African authors.
Author Africa 2010 -
Hardcover: $32.04
Author Africa 2011 -
Print: $7.68
Print: $12.99
About Peace and Peacemaking, by Maria Cristina Azcona (ed.)
Print: $24.95
This is a compilation of peace articles by famous writers and philosophers specialized in peace building matters and a summary of their respective point of view. Twelve writers, twelve minds, twelve styles but only one obsession: To resolve the dilemma of war, social violence and the preservation of human life. Love, life, humanity, serenity of thought, familiar peace and other meanings around the need of a change in this crazy, violent and self destructive civilization, are some of the topics in these essays.
Peace is possible especially through literature as we explain in the book but also through the education of respect to human dignity…
Take a tour on our proposal of solutions to this severe illness that is causing the decadence and perhaps death of our blue planet Earth.
Read and think on your own point of view and rethink this book upon your vision. That is our dream. We cannot wait, we want to read your own creative opinion.
Vivamos en Paz, by Maria Cristina Azcona
Print: $19.96
MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA - En la época en que nos toca vivir, se plantea, como un reto a la fuerza de voluntad a la inteligencia y al carácter, avanzar en medio de tanta anomalía hacia el logro de la felicidad personal, matrimonial y familiar. A nivel internacional, el arte literario bilingüe parece ser el camino más directo hacia lograr la armonización de los pueblos entre sí.
Strategies for Peace, by Bruce L. Cook and Maria Cristina Azcona (eds.)
Print: $19.99
BRUCE L. COOK AND MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA - Full Index. I join Maria Cristina Azcona in offering this collection of viewpoints on peace making. She and I joined Ernest Kahan in 2014 to establish the Worldwide Peace Organization in Argentina. Here we identify a startling variety of facets on the crystal which represents peace. Virtually everyone claims to want world peace. Only a few take measures to promote it. Each writer who seeks peace suggests a unique dimension. It's our hope that this volume will encourage students, professors, and peacemakers to consider this comprehensive look at ten strategy perspectives which, if taken seriously in private and public life, might lead to our shared objective - worldwide peace in our time. * Leadership * Language and Leadership * Interspiritual * World Citizenship * Family Relations * Role of Women * Education * Medical Actions * The Arts * Conflict Resolution
ePub Edition $9.99
Hardback $39.99
El Gran Doctor De La Paz - Ernesto Kahan, by Maria Cristina Azcona Print: $24.95 MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA - Este proyecto nació de la admiración y el respeto que este gran hombre ha generado en mí y en todos los que hemos llegado a tener la suerte de conocerlo.
Ernesto Kahan es alguien crucial para la salud de este universo humano del siglo XXI, en gran parte porque es capaz de comunicar en forma lúcida la necesidad de un cambio racional y profundo en todas las esferas de la civilización. Comprende como nadie lo que significa la paz mundial y sabe cómo lograrla. Se trata de una mente llena de luz.
Ernesto es un hombre que dedica su vida desde hace muchísimos años al prójimo.
Nos induce a entender que no hay tiempo que perder, siquiera un segundo, y urge que eduquemos a la comunidad en forma inmediata, que los hagamos reaccionar. Que usemos cada medio a nuestro alcance, la radio, la tevé, el recital poético, la muestra de cuadros, etc.
Me considero su alumna en estos temas filosóficos de actualidad. He aprendido a servir a los demás con una sonrisa y a transmitir paz con el ejemplo y no solo con la palabra Perceptions and Practices of Instructors’ Training: A Case Study, by Shiba Bagale (Nepal) Print: $19.95 SHIBA BAGALE - This research book is about the transfer of training. The main theme of this research is how the training participants perceived training and how they are practicing in their real workplace. The qualitative method was implied where class observations and in-depth interviews were conducted to explore the perceptions and practices of the training participants along with the coping strategies on the challenges they have faced.
The findings were that adequate time was not provided for the preparation, though some planning was done. The practice of the training in both the skills and knowledge was seen, where practice of skill is more applied. Some of the knowledge and skills were not practiced. Assessment was done by using both the formative and summative evaluation tools. Finally, this study concluded that there is the need of supervisors and guidance in practicing the skills and knowledge in their workplace.
Strategies for Peace, by Bruce L. Cook and Maria Cristina Azcona (eds.) Print: $19.99 BRUCE L. COOK AND MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA - Full Index. I join Maria Cristina Azcona in offering this collection of viewpoints on peace making. She and I joined Ernest Kahan in 2014 to establish the Worldwide Peace Organization in Argentina. Here we identify a startling variety of facets on the crystal which represents peace.
Virtually everyone claims to want world peace. Only
a few take measures to promote it. Each writer who seeks peace suggests a unique dimension. It's our hope that this volume will encourage students, professors, and peacemakers to consider this comprehensive look at ten strategy perspectives which, if
taken seriously in private and public life, might lead to our shared objective - worldwide peace in our time.
* Leadership
* Language and Leadership
* Interspiritual
* World Citizenship
* Family Relations
* Role of Women
* Education
* Medical Actions
* The Arts
* Conflict Resolution ePub Edition $9.99 Hardback $39.99
Harmony of Nations, by Bruce L. Cook Print: $21.00 BRUCE L. COOK - This novel begins as historical fiction describing the war years on the Italian coast near Ostuni, Italy, including a terrible German attack on the Port of Bari. Subsequently, it becomes a fictional account of a couple who live and marry and work toward peace with workers from Mahatma Gandhi. They are able to direct nuclear weapons away from a goal of disaster. Later they overcome an attack from terrorists and sponsor a successful conference of nations in Matera, Italy.
There: A Biblical Chronology, by David C. Cook III and Jenny Wren (book) Hardbound: $34.80 DAVID C. COOK III and JENNY WREN - David C. Cook III was unable to complete his vision of a Bible story where the reader seemed to be there to actually experience events. In this book Jenny Wren (Lois Blaschak) continues his quest, adding her chapters to his present tense chronicle. Cymric Strain, by Una Howell Cook (book) Print: $24.95 UNA HOWELL COOK (1923). Springfield, Missouri, the queen city of the Ozarks, was a thriving town at the end of the civil war when my father hung out a sign on the southwest corner of the public square, notifying the public that he was an attorney-at-law. Fantastic and alluring tales had reached his ears long before the ink on his diploma was dry – tales of a land flowing with milk and honey. So abundant was the honey that it was used to grease wagons, and bee trees dotted the landscape. All one had to do was to step outside his cabin, bore a hole, and scoop up the booty. ebook Edition $5.99 Una and George Cook in Elgin (book) Print: $9.95 UNA HOWELL COOK - This book is a collection of extracts from Una Howell Cook’s memoir, Cymric Strain. She was married to George A. Cook, son of the publisher David C. Cook I. George was the publisher and creator of The Mother's Magazine. Una's memories in this book are from her days in Elgin, where she lived on Chapel Street before Chicago Street was paved. Her recollections include family descriptions as well as a vivid account of owning the third automobile in Elgin. Read this book for an unforgettable snapshot of Elgin life in the early 1900's.
Poetry of Peace and Harmony, by Guy Créquie Print: $48.60
GUY CRÉQUIE - In this book the author proclaims the beauty and variety of our planet. His promenade includes verbal paths of nature, humanity, culture, love, war, violence, terrorism, peace and human diversity. He has poetized the many places he has traveled and invited his readers to accompany him as a UNESCO messenger and opera singer throughout the world for five decades. He dissects the evolution of the present world and its rise of populism and fanaticism which has caused death and sorrow and destructive war. He anticipates the need for a rebirthed humanity, awakened by education and social awareness, based on values that promote peace and harmony. Here we find an artist, Guy Créquie, an inveterate philosopher, who has something vital to say to mankind through his poetry and who also has gifted the book musical links to his memorable with his musical opera tunes.
French Language Edition $59.95
Philosophy Today – Philosophy Tomorrow, by Guy Créquie Print: $12.95 GUY CRÉQUIE - Whenever Guy Créquie, a recognized writer and philosopher, makes a publication like the present one, it always generates a great expectation among the audience.
Bagale, Shiba
Cook, Bruce
Cook, David C., III
David C. Cook III (1912 - 1990)Cook, Una Howell
Una Howell Cook (1876-1949)Créquie, Guy
His permanent updating of the global policy and social issues, along with his philosophical knowledge, since the French Revolution of 1789 to the present, makes a perfect combination for the interpretation of current problems and dilemmas.
Blessings in the Rain 90 Days of Encouragement through the Storm, by Lisa DeVinney
Print: $11.24
LISA DEVINNEY - “I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.” Ezekiel 34:26b NIV Are you in the midst of a storm, today? Are dark clouds looming above you while water is rising around you? Or do you find yourself fighting a battle that seems to test every fiber of your strength and faith? Or maybe you have a friend facing a difficult challenge, and you’d like to encourage them through their battle. Inspired by a friend’s courageous battle with cancer, Blessings in the Rain is a collection of Scripture verses and poems meant to encourage those who find themselves fighting battles of their own. Whether physical, mental or spiritual…the battles we face daily can easily cause us doubt, discouragement, despair, or fear. But God has an incredible way of taking what might have been meant to harm us, and instead use it for our good. He turns our storms into “showers of blessing.”
Rivers in the Desert, by Lisa DeVinney
Print: $21.95
LISA DEVINNEY - Rivers in the Desert is a book of responses, in poetry, to God’s precious Word. There is a poem and verse of Scripture for each day of the year, to encourage daily time with God. These short devotionals are a great way to take just a moment of each day to soak in a refreshing from those “rivers in the desert.”
Great Men and Women of the Bible, by Lisa DeVinney
Print: $34.99
LISA DEVINNEY -Heroes are people we look up to and admire, perhaps because of their great feats of strength and courage. The Bible is full of godly heroes who lived lives of courage, faith, and conviction. They were not always men and women of great natural ability. But God has always delighted in taking ordinary people, and using them to do extraordinary things, for Him.
These Sunday School lessons are meant to bring these Bible heroes to life, not just so we can admire what they’ve done, but also to encourage us to know that God might just be calling us to be modern heroes of faith, for Him..
We can find courage in reading how God faithfully provided for His heroes of the past. Our faith can grow, as we study time after time where God’s hand moved to protect and strengthen them. And we can be resolved that when God calls us, we can be ready to follow in the footprints of the Old and New Testament Heroes of faith.
I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes: 366 Daily Devotionals in Poetry and Scripture, by Lisa DeVinney
Print: $22.95
LISA DEVINNEY - I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes is a book of responses, in poetry, to God’s precious Word. They are arranged in such a way as to encourage the reader to be daily in the Word of God, seeking His wisdom, comfort, conviction and encouragement. Daily time in God’s Word will never be wasted time. And these short devotionals are a great way to take just a moment of each day to redirect the reader’s gaze back to where our help comes from…the Lord.
PDF $6.49
Sunday School Lessons 2010 – Followers of God – 3rd – 6th Grade Level, by Lisa DeVinney
Print: $24.99
LISA DEVINNEY - God has entrusted Sunday School teachers with the awesome privilege and responsibility to lead children to Himself, then help them mature as followers of Christ. This 26-lesson series can be a useful tool in helping you, as one of those privileged few, to reach many young hearts with the Good News of Jesus Christ!
PDF $6.49
The Rivalries, by Amobi Evidence
Print: $12.20
AMOBI EVIDENCE - The story revolves around a region in Africa, but as subsequent plots unfold; its settings transcend to a part of the Middle East. Though a fiction, the work captures the realities which individuals often encounter in their normal lives, reconciling effect the author’s viewpoint with the constructive impressions of the reader.”
Grief of a Fatherless, by Amobi Evidence
Print: $11.95
AMOBI EVIDENCE - An intensely readable tale of personal horror, thrill and triumph guaranteed to be a masterpiece every literature fan must behold. A gripping, well-crafted suspense story… so sharp it has to be read in the shortest time possible. A book that you won’t be able to put down is promising to keep you on the edge of your seat 'til the final moment.
Obodo... My Fatherland, by Ugochukwu Victor Ezeribe
Print: $12.99
UGOCHUKWU VICTOR EZERIBE - So as crisis married chaos, a catastrophe was conceived…. Although based on true life story but furnished in a classical decoy, ‘Obodo’ is told in a traditional village setting. Obodo had become a ‘Zanga’ – a jungle of continuous crisis. Bature, the helpless visitor had sneaked in from the back gate and taken control of Obodo. Now the people were at his mercy but his death would even be of a worse fate to the people as things gradually fell apart. This book, was first written as a drama script in 2007 by the author during his National Youth Service in the title – ‘OUR FATHERLAND’ and it won the script of the year award at the NYSC National Cultural Festival, Abuja in 2007.
This Child of Mine, by K. B. Hartwell
Print: $21.64
K. B. HARTWELL - Born in the 1800's, judged by the color of his skin and not by the honor of his heart, his spiritless soul was not welcomed by white society. Forever branded, this man died for his crimes of innocence. . . .
No one would grieve the deaths of Jeb and Edgar. Black or white. Those two "white trash" had raped Violet Green. Jasper had to stop his friends-even if it would result in his having to testify against them. And possibly losing his own life and those he loved.
PDF $9.95
Reaching An Loc, by Alfredo G. Herrera
Print: $12.92
ALFREDO G. HERRERA - The following narrative consists of my military service that may serve as a basis for a better understanding to former military members of Bandido Charlie Company. I feel that to know who I was during our time together, the Bandidos may appreciate background information of my military career and how it involved the men while we were all in Bandido Charlie. As First Sergeant of Bandido Charlie Company, and even though we did not know each other at a personal level, I always held the men of Charlie Company in high esteem.
EPub $4.99
The Science of Achieving Success: eXtreme Success Training, by S.M. Zakir Hussain (book)
Print: $9.99
S.M. ZAKIR HUSSAIN - Managing the Boss is like managing one’s wife: one must give more than what one wants to get, but ironically, the wife afterwards thinks she has gotten less than she gave. “Then why the hell do I ever need to manage him?” you might be asking the author. Well, it is because he wants to be managed.
The Politics of Managing the Boss (book), By S.M. Zakir Hussain
Print: $16.04
By S.M. ZAKIR HUSSAIN. Managing the Boss is like managing one’s wife: one must give more than what one wants to get, but ironically, the wife afterwards thinks she has gotten less than she gave. “Then why the hell do I ever need to manage him?” you might be asking the author. Well, it is because he wants to be managed.
Print: $15.95
S.M. ZAKIR HUSSAIN - This book is a unique collection of articles on the nature of the human mind, happiness, meditation, knowledge therapy, spiritual therapy, creativity and such other topics. Written by S. M. Zakir Hussain, one of the most influential writers of Bangladesh, these articles open a new horizon to the mystery of the human mind and psychic powers. Most of the articles are life-transforming and uniquely inspiring. Readers of all ages and religious backgrounds will find it interesting. The author has established from many points of view that life can only be transformed by observing the self. The book contains articles that can even cure some psychic diseases instantly, as the author has reported after applying them on people with emotional disorder. It is a must read for any ambitious person.
The Mystery of Creation, Destruction, and Natural Calamities, by S. M. Zakir Hussain
Print: $19.96
S.M. ZAKIR HUSSAIN - Learning takes place when we make mistakes and then correct ourselves. God Himself wants us to learn in this way. However, when we cease to learn, there is nothing left valuable in us. And when we do not contain any potential, we become fit for destruction.
Print: $14.95
S.M. ZAKIR HUSSAIN - The Qur’an claims that it is the Word of God. It also says that the proof is there in the pattern of the Word itself. But until now no work has ever exhibited what some of the patterns are. This is perhaps the first book that clearly shows that some easy analysis of such patterns makes it evident that the claim of the Qur’an is not only true but surprising too.
Print: $24.97
DELORIS JENKINS - I felt God’s hand, strong in mine. We began a walk unlike no walk I had ever taken before. There would be times of anguish and pain but his rein would hold me tight. My body pain eased. Having to let go and let God take over was just not like I had been used to doing, but now I had no other choice.
EPub $8.99
Bound to Tradition, by Akinyi Princess of K’Orinda-Yimbo
Print: $36.32
AKINYI PRINCESS OF K’ORINDA-YIMBO - Erik watched her as she ate and talked. There was the little lady who had been tutored by some prim and proper English old maid in deportment, etiquette and what have you. Then there was the African jungle side of her that had a savage nobility, an untainted edge, an unaffected grace and inborn dignity, an intensely reverent pride even in the way she said: Great ancestors. Coupled with her veiled, mysterious sexuality, she was an overwhelming enigma.
PDF Edition $2.99
Print: $27.98
EVANS KINYUA - When Victor Amagaro, aka Lance Amagaro, a small time Rwandese hoodlum and refugee in the back streets of Kampala, finds a cryptic note placed by the side of his bed, he immediately considers it a prank. But the note promised an opportunity to earn some money, which Victor was not about to let pass by.
He calls the number that was provided in the note at the time indicated, and his life changes for ever. Following that call, he finds ten thousand dollars deposited in his bank account by people unknown to him, just like that, with a promise for more. Much, much more.
EPub $5.00
Times and Seasons, by Dipita Kwa
Print: $15.95
DIPITA KWA. Dipita has emerged as one of the greatest upcoming writers at Includes his best short stories; The Wages of Plunder, The Fall of a Hunter, A Mother’s Heart, When All is Lost etc. Some chapters of Times and Seasons initially appeared as independent short stories in e-magazines: Honour of a Woman –Crossing Borders Magazine.
Gobah and the Killer Healers and Rainbow's End,by Bob Kisiki (Uganda)
Print: $19.44
BOB KISIKI - Gobah is the story of a little teenage boy, Gobah, whose sister Marla is kidnapped and killed in what turns out to be a ritual murder. Crushed by the event, Gobah seeks to find out who is behind the wicked sacrifices, and comes face to face with personal danger, staring stark death in the face. What is more, he can’t believe the people who perpetuate the murders… THE RAINBOW'S END Lemah has ambition. She has drive. She has targets. But it’s not exactly a woman’s world, or so people around her believe. Despite these beliefs, however, Lemah will seek to succeed in her journalism career in times of war; love her man against all odds and rise to the top of the entrepreneurial ladder. Or so she hopes.
Ebook: 3.99
ORYEM ONGUTI LOGUCA. Whatever is portrayed in this work, one can look into our daily mirror of life, which we shall, indeed share, because of our common origin and appreciation of life. In the midst of all our sufferings, life ought to be carried on. Those who sing the dirges of such traumatized nations are; orphans, widows, refugees, disabled, AIDS victims and the displaced. From the street corners, refugee camps, funeral homes, bus stations, market squares, and deserted villages, we shall sing our songs, on our own behalf and for our ancestors who are long gone before us. If we can fix ourselves in these few pages of The Bone Of My Heart, let us do it!
Dr. John Garang De Mabior: In Memoriam (book), By Oryem Onguti Loguca
Print: $9.35
ORYEM ONGUTI LOGUCA. The memories of Dr. John Garang will be immortalized by anyone who had known what he fought for in his lifetime; culminating in a helicopter crash on 30th July 2005. That crash, which he never survived, took his physical flesh. Humanity will continue to drink his vision and legacy at a high rate, leaving those still thirsty to know him well, being stranded at the shelves of knowledge to further seek to know, John Garang, the human being. A sheer fact of his dedication to his cause and quest of his people who had suffered for generations shouldn’t be left to rot. It should be documented for posterity. Foreword by Steven Wöndu, Sudanese Ambassador to Japan
Author Africa 2007 - Edited by Winona Rasheed
Print: $15.95
WINONA RASHEED (editor). The gift of successful writing has again brought to the forefront the creative minds of nine talented, African writers whose skills are reflected through out the pages of "Author Africa 2007." These brilliant writers have demonstrated through their works that "the pen is mightier than the sword," their creativity and their craft of writing is like a flower garden beginning to bloom……….inspiring and intriguing!
Author Africa 2008 - Winona Rasheed (compiler)
Print: $15.95
WINONA RASHEED (compiler). This collection of stories from African authors documents top fiction of 2008. With all the conflict and turmoil that plague the very depths of Africa, from one end of the spectrum to the other, the Dark Continent still manages to produce remarkable and outstanding authors as shown throughout the pages of Author Africa, 2008.
Author Africa 2009 - Winona Rasheede (compiler)
Print: $13.24
A collection of authentic fiction by African authors publishing on in 2008.
Author Africa 2010 -
Hardcover: $32.04
A collection of authentic fiction by African authors publishing on in 2009.
Author Africa 2011 -
Print: $7.68
The Crippled Marriage, by Henry Onyema Maria’s Vision, by Austin Kaluba Another Life, by Mubanga Mulapa Katsanga Kenye, by Moraa Gitaa Running Mate, by Shadreck Chikoti Juba’s Gala Nights, by John Oryem
Print: $12.99
Articles by African Authors from I Hate Sunday, Olusola Akinwale The Garden of Edna, by Ken Kamoche The Proposal, by Akinyi Princess of K’Orinda-Yimbo Downtown Incidents, by Steve Ogah You Smile, by Chika Onyenezi
Shadows of Death, by William Khalipwina Mpina
Print: $17.97
WILLIAM KHALIPWINA MPINA - The poems in Shadows of Death and other poems epitomize life in the developing countries like Malawi. The selection of poems in this book represents a celebration of Africa’s culture as perceived by the author. They portray life as the natives and others live it and continue to live, creatively painting a picture of what does exist in the ‘Dark’ Continent. They commemorate the distinctiveness of Africans as regards to freedom and economic development. They are a torch that exposes how the ailing economies in many nations may not recover from their state of unconsciousness any time soon. Major themes include poverty, death, abuse of power, HIV and Aids, love, lies, corruption, liberty and disloyalty. The book is a demonstration of the poetic road the author has travelled over the years while visualizing shadows of death in Africa.
Varlarsaga, Vol 1 - Escape, by K.S. Mulholland (book)
Print: $33.16
K.S. MULHOLLAND - Varlar, so named by the first to sail her seas and walk her shores. Varlar, world of the elves: a mystery and a wonder. The earth, our own fair earth, fraught with many unknown, unseen dangers; terrible and beautiful as the west-rising sun. Who then could say as to what lay in the darkest depths of her oceans, who guess that doom? And yet, upon a later time, it was foretold, 'The Nardred awaits Its moment to arise from the deeps; there to bring forth chaos, and the downfall of Varlar...'
Varlarsaga, Vol 2 - Recovery, by K.S. Mulholland (book)
Print: $31.40
K.S. MULHOLLAND - Voices haunt the mind of the youthful Prince Mylor from his earliest memories: Voices that plead, beckon, seduce... Voices that offer him a new home. After escaping from a cell deep beneath Penda fortress in the mountain locked realm of Ravenmoor and sailing with strange Elvish folk to their far-off island home, Corin returns with them to his own forsaken country, there to confront the evil threatening to overthrow the kingdom. Yet the mysterious Voices lure him once again to sail away with the elves into the far North where lies a vast, unexplored land and the pursuit of answers to the riddle of the Voices...'
Varlarsaga, Vol 3 - Consolation, by K.S. Mulholland (book)
Print: $29.66
K.S. MULHOLLAND - The conclusion of the epic tale of Varlar:The World.
Corin has discovered a map/manuscript that contains a
tale of past ages and perhaps a key to his quest.
Escaping the Hermitage upon the back of Darkelfari, a
beautiful jet-black horse, he makes his way through the
wilds in search of his elvish companions.
By ever-darkening ways and with the unexpected aid of a
strange Wizard, he is reunited with the Elvish forces who are, at that time, hard-pressed by vast Goblin armies all along the coasts of the North World.
When it seems all must perish, some are spared to break
through to the ocean and the awaiting Elven armada.
Defeated, yet unbowed, the Elves vow to regain their
strength and come again, against an overwhelming foe.
Yet for Corin, there is another trial to be endured. Far away with only Darkelfari as companion; back beyond the Northern mountains, to confront The Mighty Fear, buried in the deep ice of the forbidding realm of the Ice Giants.
Print: $14.68
KENECHUKWU OBI - An age-long tradition bars sons and daughters of the rich and the poor from inter-marrying in their land. Then comes this unexpected unique love that dares to challenge the tradition with its guts of steel. This love yields a bond in the conflict which ensues. A bond that makes the reunion of two hearts, which are its source, inevitable; leaving the tradition with only an option it can't help but accept.
PDF $12.96
Talking Things, by John Oryem (Sudan)
Print: $9.95
JOHN ORYEM - This simple collection is meant to colour our daily talks, conversations and pass on some of the relevant proverbs to our children at school, workplace, churches and public places. Using proverbs in our lives does not indicate we are outdated or unaware of current events and bound to antiquities. Spicing our talks with proverbs pays abundantly. Our well-known motivational speakers use proverbs frequently in their speeches to hook up with their audiences. Can you be one after reading this short book?
PDF $5.00
The Bone of my Heart, by John Oryem (Sudan)
Ebook: 3.99
ORYEM ONGUTI LOGUCA. Whatever is portrayed in this work, one can look into our daily mirror of life, which we shall, indeed share, because of our common origin and appreciation of life. In the midst of all our sufferings, life ought to be carried on. Those who sing the dirges of such traumatized nations are; orphans, widows, refugees, disabled, AIDS victims and the displaced. From the street corners, refugee camps, funeral homes, bus stations, market squares, and deserted villages, we shall sing our songs, on our own behalf and for our ancestors who are long gone before us. If we can fix ourselves in these few pages of The Bone Of My Heart, let us do it!
EPub $3.99
Print: $19.95
BABIN POKHAREL - The importance of competency in principals of the private schools has been an invariable need of these days. The general purpose of this study is to explore the capability of the educational leadership in Nepalese private schools principals in order to run the schools effectively and efficiently. The specific purpose is to examine how school principals prepare themselves for the school change so that their schools sustain, change and grow. This research design is descriptive, and explorative. It reveals the roles of principals from an extensive survey of literature and depth interviews of principals. The study focuses on how principals can be prepared and how they are being prepared for the future. The results from this study will indicate the new role of prepared principal for the 21st century and challenges in the paradigm shift upon the leadership patterns through understanding leading and supporting change and ways to prepare principals for a school change.
Train up a Child, Sunday School Lessons for Primary Grades, by Julie Pisacane more
Print: $17.99
JULIE PISACANE - It is my heartfelt prayer that the lessons placed in this book help shine bright the light of Christ Jesus our Saviour into your Sunday school class. The crafts, projects and 26 Bible lessons are written and prepared especially for young children between the ages of 5-9. May God richly bless you in your efforts to help the children learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ. Add to Cart EmailEmbed Digg Reddit Facebook MySpace Twitter StumbleUpon Ratings & Reviews | Product Details
Author Africa 2007 - Edited by Winona Rasheed
Print: $15.95
Author Africa 2008 - Winona Rasheed (compiler)
Print: $15.95
Author Africa 2009 - Winona Rasheede (compiler)
Print: $13.24
Peace of Mind: Reflect, Smile and Laugh, by Dr. Clause Shema Rutagengwa
Print: $12.60
DR. CLAUDE SHEMA RUTAGENGWA - The arrival of the Internet, television and telephone plays a key role in easing our daily schedules. Unfortunately, the time for smiling or laughing has never been an easy pearl to find. Refreshment of mind seems to be as far away as the moon unless we do it from the school or any other sort of formal or informal training. As human beings, we need some important pillars at our side so that we shall be real human beings. Coping with stress, as a single way to stay pure and intact, is the only way that helps. Unfortunately this is not easy for all of us and the appropriate psychotherapy as an ultimate way to get out from the stressful state is extremely costly. Therefore, through our peace of mind, reflection and laughter, we are able to overcome all odds that trigger our hidden accumulated stress and fatigue to cause us troubles and impede our well-being.
Global Peace Science (updated), by Dr. Leo Semashko And 173 Co-authors
Print: $38.49
DR. LEO SEMASHKO et. al. - Global Peace Science (GPS) is the first in history the science of world peace, after more than two centuries of the birth of military science in the Adam Bülow’s book in 1799. The GPS cognitive result is the first scientific extremely laconic formula of peace: “peace from harmony of SPHERONS through science”, which determines a source, social actors and main way of global peace. The objective grounds and numerous details of this formula are disclosed in the book 13 chapters in different dimensions: social, philosophical, historical, structural, functional, political, economic, personal, educational, psychological, legal and others.
Print: $22.99
DR. LEO SEMASHKO AND 75 GHA CO-AUTHORS FROM 26 COUNTRIES - The ABC of Harmony is the dawn of a shining, harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the nations of the planet earth! Together with it, enlightened citizens will emerge capable of building a harmonious civilization of peace and prosperity on the planet earth. – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (poet, President of India, 2002-2007)
ePub Edition $8.99
Pilgrimaging in Love: A Selection of Poems, by Lida Sherafatmand
Print: $17.50
LIDA SHERAFATMAND - Lida Sherafatmand is known as a painter, but over the years her poetry has been published in several anthologies and books. Born in 1977 in Iran (the old Persia), she experienced a childhood during war time under the newly formed regime of the 1979 revolution. Her birth city, Khorramshahr was completely destroyed in the bombardments at the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980's. At the age of 15 Lida discovered the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through Amnesty International, and she saw this declaration like an opening door to a more humane world, where people can be respected regardless their nationality or culture. Her paintings focused on human rights issues were published by major bodies such as Amnesty International, UN, UNESCO, and many non-governmental organisations. Her more recent art works appear on numerous art and cultural journals internationally. Lida is based in Malta.
Human Rights Education Kit: Using Art and Crafts, by Lida Sherafatmand
Print: $5.48
LIDA SHERAFATMAND - Teaching Human Rights using Art provides an enjoyable means of learning for children. Art can be a particularly effective means for teaching children who are in difficult social situations where self-expression has been suppressed. Therefore, in this kit self- expression will help the child understand his or her existence as an individual and consequently the rights that belong to him or her within the human community. The articles taught in this kit are from the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
Overcoming Obstacles: A Passion for Teaching and Living, by Jackie T. Sistrunk
Print: $19.49
JACKIE T. SISTRUNK - Jackie Sistrunk, a national board certified teacher with 30 years’ experience, put together this book of her favorite and most successful learning strategies. Why? She is most happy when she sees or hears about strategies that have worked, as have hers, and wants teachers to break out of the paradigm of just doing what the textbook says and do things differently. Jackie has used these strategies successfully with all her students she taught, kids in grades four through seven, for the lowest scoring kids in her school, and for gifted students. She even used the Paideia Seminar at the community college where she taught.
God Is Faithful, Sunday School Lessons for Junior/Adult, by Cindy Tamboso more
Print: $26.98
CINDY TAMBOSO - Join CindyGirl as she helps teachers of Junior and Adult Sunday Schools present the Bible in exciting lessons and handouts.
PDF Edition $4.95
Von K'Ory, A P
The Dream - Vol I, Bound To Tradition, by A P Von K'or Print: $17.99 A P Von K'Ory - Erik watched her as she ate and talked. There was the little lady who had been tutored by some prim and proper English old maid in deportment, etiquette and what have you. Then there was the African jungle side of her that had a savage nobility, an untainted edge, an unaffected grace and inborn dignity, an intensely reverent pride even in the way she said: Great ancestors. Coupled with her veiled, mysterious sexuality, she was an overwhelming enigma.
When Jenny Wren was Young (book), by Jenny Wren Print: $7.22 JENNY WREN - All things come to those who wait and continue and trust in the Lord, confirms a Jenny Wren into Job's ear in her writings. God gives to whom he pleases. "After all, we are his creation." said Job. In Jenny Wren’s book we learn to trust in our own faith without fail. No Worms in These Tomatoes (book), By Jenny Wren
Print: $14.95 JENNY WREN - This is the life story of Jenny Wren, baby daughter of the Rich clan, and Elijah. Little did Matt and Nancy Rich realize what they started back there in 1903. This volume ends this part of their story, as told by that same little bird "Jenny Wren". She relates the rearing of her own offspring,Cindy and Myree, in their lives from start to finish. Some grandchildren are now on the scene, filling up my memory cushion as each day passes. I see now there is no end to our lives. We leave behind images of ourselves, and all of the woes and precious happenings that go along with our share of living in our own wilderness days on earth. I pray you will enjoy reading about the happenings in our lives, and learn a little of the lessons of life. The lessons are free to follow. I have already paid for them. Up on Cherry Creek (book), By Jenny Wren Print: $27.51 JENNY WREN - Here we present for your reading pleasure a portraiture of Jenny Wren’s grandparents, parents, and the oldest three members of 'The Dirty Dozen' who were fashioned from a hardy stock that was shared by the early settlers in Cherry Creek and Eastland, Tennessee. The Harvest Years - Bountiful Crop (book), By Jenny Wren Print: $19.95 JENNY WREN - Read these little stories aloud to your own family as you sit around the fireplace and reminisce. It is a good habit to get into, for you to also enjoy, 1875 through 1935. The scene is the state of Tennessee in the area of the Cumberland Mountains.
There: A Biblical Chronology, by David C. Cook III and Jenny Wren (book) Hardbound: $34.80 DAVID C. COOK III and JENNY WREN - David C. Cook III was unable to complete his vision of a Bible story where the reader seemed to be there to actually experience events. In this book Jenny Wren (Lois Blaschak) continues his quest, adding her chapters to his present tense chronicle. Print: $9.95
ARTUR WIELGUS -Chicago Sonnets is a collection of poems about magnificent Chicago architecture. In some cities skyscrapers are so close to each other that people do not feel comfortable. In Chicago, space and architecture creates pretty landscape with scenic views for all its inhabitants.
Noel Novel, Our Children and Athalos Print: $9.95
ARTUR WIELGUS -Noel Novel is a Yuletide story for America’s Sovereigns. FDR and America gave half of Poland at the end of Second World War to Russia on Stalin’s hands. Only because Stalin returned some of Polish territories, Poland still is losing a quarter of its lands and America doesn’t even want to give back Alaska to Native Americans from whom they took everything. I always liked Christmas. Splendid lights, gifts ready to be bought in every store. Music, cards about Santa, reindeer, shining Christmas trees, decorated in many homes, everybody happy, animals and their puppet toys. Time off from school or work. The smell of holiday food and fruits. Even in churches they had big donations and were collecting extra money for homeless and needy.
Humanoids and The Mirror of Native Americans, by A.R. Wielgus Print: $9.95 A.R. WIELGUS - Humanoids is a drama about people who want to be the Masters of the Universe, but they are not even masters of their lives. Spectators see the broadcast from the TV station of astronauts being sent to colonize Mars.
They can travel that long with chemically induced multiple stages of hibernation.
Humanoids are supposedly the copies, clones of humans to trick others that they are real, conscious beings with their external resemblance.
(Fermio, Hadron, Muon, Neut, Quan, Polonius, Boson, Raptus, Pol, Quarker, Wened, Mira)
The Mirror of Native Americans demonstrates how the tears of Sun in America belong to all the Tribes of Native American people.
Volhynian Fields and Absent Witness, by A.R. Wielgus Print: $15.49 A.R. WIELGUS - Volhynian Fields is the drama about difficult history and relations among people with different religions. Absent Witness is about Smolensk tragedy of 2010, which was the succession of Katyn Masacre. The Sparks of Faith, by A.R. Wielgus Print: $14.98 A.R. WIELGUS - The Sparks of Faith is about men and women who converted to Catholicism or served it with zeal. England was a Catholic country for 10 centuries. King Henry the VIII was the defender of the faith. Although he broke with papacy and the Catholic Church, he had written the book Defense of the Seven Sacraments. While the Catholic Church was persecuted in England, some people (e. g., Thomas Merton, Gerard Manley Hopkins and others) converted back from Anglicanism to Catholicism. J. Kochanowski - Father of Slavic Poetry, by A.R. Wielgus Print: $29.49 A.R. WIELGUS - Jan Kochanowski (1530 – 1584)
He was born in Sycyna and studied among other places in universities of Cracow and Padua. Kochanowski is a father of Slavic poetry. In his poetry, he used mainly eleven and thirteen syllable hexameter. His poetry conveys imagery, classical rhythm and contains beautiful language. In the Banner, Albrecht is the Prince of the newly established, first protestant country, named Prussia, which came to existence after transformation of Teutonic Order by the advice of Martin Luther in 1525.
J. Kochanowski lived only 54 years, but he was a witness of his drama, "Dismissal of Grecian Envoys" to be played in front of the king.
During his lifetime, he was recognized as a famous poet. His works were published also in Latin and he was respected well to do writer.
J. Kochanowski died when Shakespeare was 20 years old. The Old Widow and the Priest, by A.R. Wielgus Print: $14.95 A.R. WIELGUS - After presenting some writers living in the same literary epochs and using similar styles in Essays on the Literature, A. R. Wielgus demonstrates the words of K. Wojtyla, which are used in the ending of one of his dramas that vengeance belongs to God in the novel of The Old Widow and the Priest and reminds us that literary justice is a struggle for truth in things as they are. Essays on the Literature, by A.R. Wielgus Print: $19.95 A.R. WIELGUS - In the past Latin was a common language of writers.
Nowadays, English is the common language of literary artists.
I wanted to bring closer some great writers, e. g., K. Wojtyla, later Pope J.P. II who already in his twenties was a great writer. He totally gave up literary writings when he became a Cardinal. Just as the main hero of his play, “Brother of Our God” did, when he totally devoted his life to serve the homeless. This free script provided by
Wren, Jenny (Lois Blaschak)
Wielgus, Artur
Against all odds, the old widow never lost her faith in the mercy of Father God.
Against all odds, the old widow never lost her faith in the mercy of Father God.
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