David C. Cook Family Homes In Elgin - by Grace E. Brown and Conor J. Cook
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GRACE E. BROWN and CONOR J. COOK - In July 2021 I met with the authors of this unique volume – Conor Cook and Grace Brown. This was an unusual interview with a pair of authors.
We met in the home of my son, Bruce Cook and reminisced over extracts from historical collections about homes of the David C. Cook family – my father David C. Cook III, my Grandfather David C. Cook II, and my Great Grandfather – David C. Cook I –often called “The Friend of the Sunday School.”
Now, to be honest, Conor and Grace are my grandchildren, and I love their talent for writing. And, while we got together to share historical vignettes, I should mention that we also enjoyed my son’s barbeque cooking and a plate of cookies just prepared by his wife and my daughter, Helen Brown. And, thanks to my wife, Mary Homeier Cook, for suggesting this book.

El Gran Doctor De La Paz - Ernesto Kahan, by Maria Cristina Azcona
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MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA - Este proyecto nació de la admiración y el respeto que este gran hombre ha generado en mí y en todos los que hemos llegado a tener la suerte de conocerlo.
Ernesto Kahan es alguien crucial para la salud de este universo humano del siglo XXI, en gran parte porque es capaz de comunicar en forma lúcida la necesidad de un cambio racional y profundo en todas las esferas de la civilización. Comprende como nadie lo que significa la paz mundial y sabe cómo lograrla. Se trata de una mente llena de luz.
Ernesto es un hombre que dedica su vida desde hace muchísimos años al prójimo.
Nos induce a entender que no hay tiempo que perder, siquiera un segundo, y urge que eduquemos a la comunidad en forma inmediata, que los hagamos reaccionar. Que usemos cada medio a nuestro alcance, la radio, la tevé, el recital poético, la muestra de cuadros, etc.
Me considero su alumna en estos temas filosóficos de actualidad. He aprendido a servir a los demás con una sonrisa y a transmitir paz con el ejemplo y no solo con la palabra

Dr. John Garang De Mabior: In Memoriam (book), By Oryem Onguti Loguca
Print: $9.35
ORYEM ONGUTI LOGUCA. The memories of Dr. John Garang will be immortalized by anyone who had known what he fought for in his lifetime; culminating in a helicopter crash on 30th July 2005. That crash, which he never survived, took his physical flesh. Humanity will continue to drink his vision and legacy at a high rate, leaving those still thirsty to know him well, being stranded at the shelves of knowledge to further seek to know, John Garang, the human being. A sheer fact of his dedication to his cause and quest of his people who had suffered for generations shouldn’t be left to rot. It should be documented for posterity. Foreword by Steven Wöndu, Sudanese Ambassador to Japan

Humanoids and The Mirror of Native Americans, by A.R. Wielgus
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A.R. WIELGUS - Humanoids is a drama about people who want to be the Masters of the Universe, but they are not even masters of their lives. Spectators see the broadcast from the TV station of astronauts being sent to colonize Mars.
They can travel that long with chemically induced multiple stages of hibernation.
Humanoids are supposedly the copies, clones of humans to trick others that they are real, conscious beings with their external resemblance.
(Fermio, Hadron, Muon, Neut, Quan, Polonius, Boson, Raptus, Pol, Quarker, Wened, Mira)
The Mirror of Native Americans demonstrates how the tears of Sun in America belong to all the Tribes of Native American people.

Volhynian Fields and Absent Witness, by A.R. Wielgus
Print: $15.49
A.R. WIELGUS - Volhynian Fields is the drama about difficult history and relations among people with different religions. Absent Witness is about Smolensk tragedy of 2010, which was the succession of Katyn Masacre.

The Sparks of Faith, by A.R. Wielgus
Print: $14.98
A.R. WIELGUS - The Sparks of Faith is about men and women who converted to Catholicism or served it with zeal. England was a Catholic country for 10 centuries. King Henry the VIII was the defender of the faith. Although he broke with papacy and the Catholic Church, he had written the book Defense of the Seven Sacraments. While the Catholic Church was persecuted in England, some people (e. g., Thomas Merton, Gerard Manley Hopkins and others) converted back from Anglicanism to Catholicism.

J. Kochanowski - Father of Slavic Poetry, by A.R. Wielgus
Print: $29.49
A.R. WIELGUS - Jan Kochanowski (1530 – 1584)
He was born in Sycyna and studied among other places in universities of Cracow and Padua. Kochanowski is a father of Slavic poetry. In his poetry, he used mainly eleven and thirteen syllable hexameter. His poetry conveys imagery, classical rhythm and contains beautiful language. In the Banner, Albrecht is the Prince of the newly established, first protestant country, named Prussia, which came to existence after transformation of Teutonic Order by the advice of Martin Luther in 1525.
J. Kochanowski lived only 54 years, but he was a witness of his drama, "Dismissal of Grecian Envoys" to be played in front of the king.
During his lifetime, he was recognized as a famous poet. His works were published also in Latin and he was respected well to do writer.
J. Kochanowski died when Shakespeare was 20 years old.
Against all odds, the old widow never lost her faith in the mercy of Father God.

The Old Widow and the Priest, by A.R. Wielgus
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A.R. WIELGUS - After presenting some writers living in the same literary epochs and using similar styles in Essays on the Literature, A. R. Wielgus demonstrates the words of K. Wojtyla, which are used in the ending of one of his dramas that vengeance belongs to God in the novel of The Old Widow and the Priest and reminds us that literary justice is a struggle for truth in things as they are.
Against all odds, the old widow never lost her faith in the mercy of Father God.

Essays on the Literature, by A.R. Wielgus
Print: $19.95
A.R. WIELGUS - In the past Latin was a common language of writers.
Nowadays, English is the common language of literary artists.
I wanted to bring closer some great writers, e. g., K. Wojtyla, later Pope J.P. II who already in his twenties was a great writer. He totally gave up literary writings when he became a Cardinal. Just as the main hero of his play, “Brother of Our God” did, when he totally devoted his life to serve the homeless.
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