Reaching An Loc, by Alfredo G. Herrera (book)
Print: $12.92
ALFREDO G. HERRERA - The following narrative consists of my military service that may serve as a basis for a better understanding to former military members of Bandido Charlie Company. I feel that to know who I was during our time together, the Bandidos may appreciate background information of my military career and how it involved the men while we were all in Bandido Charlie. As First Sergeant of Bandido Charlie Company, and even though we did not know each other at a personal level, I always held the men of Charlie Company in high esteem.

Old GIs and Sleeping Dragons, by Doug Francescon (book)
Print $16.00
DOUG FRANCESCON - A veteran's account of war's impact on all it touches. Doug Francescon was a Section Leader in “G” Battery, 29th Artillery. His unit was attached to F Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Div. In bloody fighting on July 4th, 1967 their position was overrun by elements of the NVA. Both sidessuffered tremendous losses. Doug was wounded and all of the members of his section were killed includinghis best friend, Waylen Powell.

Dr. John Garang De Mabior: In Memoriam (book), By Oryem Onguti Loguca
Print: $9.35
ORYEM ONGUTI LOGUCA. The memories of Dr. John Garang will be immortalized by anyone who had known what he fought for in his lifetime; culminating in a helicopter crash on 30th July 2005. That crash, which he never survived, took his physical flesh. Humanity will continue to drink his vision and legacy at a high rate, leaving those still thirsty to know him well, being stranded at the shelves of knowledge to further seek to know, John Garang, the human being. A sheer fact of his dedication to his cause and quest of his people who had suffered for generations shouldn’t be left to rot. It should be documented for posterity. Foreword by Steven Wöndu, Sudanese Ambassador to Japan
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